Artistic Lessons

In the afternoon for children of age between 4-15.

Our morning creative play sessions are meant for the young children’s arts and crafts by free play, while the older ones can join us after school.

Art Lessons are planned individually according to the child’s interests, aspirations, current mood, and feelings. Lessons where the learning is matched up to the child’s level of development, but also take them beyond it. School children can paint freely and/or practice the conscious use of artistic attitudes and strategies.

Both disciplines have tremendous importance for the inner life of a child.
Artistic Lessons
Creativity and intelligence are not separate. They are both functionally the same thing. To be c reative is about having fresh ideas and that is a function of intelligence. Imagination is the power to bring things into the mind that are not present in reality. Creativity is putting that to work, it means connecting the previously unconnected in ways that are new and meaningful to the individual.

ADA-B on The difference between reproduction and creativity.
Preprinted, adult-directed and mass-produced artwork do not lead to creativity. The images that the children create using these methods are not their own. Such work may occupy children and fill empty walls. It may look pretty and be admired but it will not encourage imagination and creativity. Children are kind and want to make us happy we must be very careful not to misuse this. They had worked hard to produce the display but the end result had little relevance to them. Creativity is about representing one’s image, not reproducing someone else’s. By being creative we use information from a variety of sources that are fused to produce an integrated whole. Simply copying the image of another is reproduction, not creativity. When we are being creative we are initiating a response, open to a range of possibilities, doing it differently, and being innovative.

Part of our role is to ensure that the children have the opportunity to explore a range of representations both from their own and other cultures and times. However, children must also have the opportunity to go beyond this, to produce representations that reflect their own experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
  • Age: 4-15
  • Duration: 1st semester, 1hr / Wednesday from 13:00 to 17:30
  • Cost / child : 1h / week à 30.-
  • Adhoc onboarding
  • The maximum number of children per hour is four
  • 1st trial lesson is free of charge
  • Pedagogical support (certified playgroup leader)
  • Expertise P. Burek for art & design
  • Materials (easels, colors, shapes, utensils, aprons, craft materials, etc.)
  • Water/tea, fruits
  • Language: German and/or English